Our Peak Performance Programme

At Leeds City Academy, we have an ambitious strategic plan to drive quality and standards across Leeds City Academy. Students have opportunities for and are encouraged to engage with professional careers preparation, community engagement, personal enrichment, leadership development and high-performance learning.

''You can gain extra skills and new hobbies that you might have not known about before'' Lena, Year 8

Leeds City Academy offers an exciting peak performance extra-curricular programme at the end of the academy day. Students can take part in a range of activities such as sport, art, dance, debate club and robotics. There are also opportunities to engage with additional learning activities and revision support.

''It's a fun way of socialising and learning'' Haider, Year 9

We also have an LGBTQ+ and allies group, LCA Pride, who meet together regularly to discuss issues, develop friendships and create a safe space where all students are welcome.



''I learn from other people who enjoy the same things as I do'' Wiktoria, Year 7 

'' There is a variety of clubs and they are fun'' Haider, Year 7

Peak Performance 2023 Timetable


Term 1 2023