Joining Year 7
Leeds City Academy is 'Good' with 'Outstanding' Leadership & Management.
A smooth transition into Secondary School life
We are very proud of our transition process at Leeds City Academy, and understand the big decision parents are making when the time comes to choose a high school. Our aim is to ensure that our new Year 7 pupils are Secondary School ready. To do this we work closely with our feeder primary schools and have a range of activities and events that run throughout the academic year.
Dear Pupils Starting in September 2024,
We are thrilled to that you will be joining our fantastic academy in September 2024 and we look forward to working in partnership to support you to reach your potential.
We understand that during this big change as you move up to Secondary School from Primary you will have lots of questions. There are lots of staff and friendly pupils who are always willing to help you to find your way around and know what to do when you arrive.
Once you have started at Leeds City Academy, we are very happy to address any queries or issues you may have; a note in the school planner to the form tutor is usually sufficient. Otherwise, you can phone or email.
Please find links to our key information to download below;
- Leeds City Academy Admissions Process
- Key Term Dates
- Extra Curricular Clubs
- Travel to and from the academy
- OFSTED Report
We look forward to meeting you all soon and welcoming you in September 2024 for the start of an exceptional educational journey!
Key Member of Staff
Mrs Emma Clegg Lead Year Manager |
Frequently Asked Questions
- Where can I get my Uniform from?
For the specific items for Leeds City Academy (Blazer, tie, PE kit), you can visit the uniwears website or go to the store located at 371 Harehills Ln, Leeds LS9 6AP.
For all other items such as shirts, shoes and trousers, most high street stores will be suitably equipped for the Academy uniform requirements.
- What will the first day in Year 7 be like?
You will spend the first day with your Form Tutor, you will complete activities that will enable you to get to know your fellow students, staff and the school building. You will make new friends and do lots of activities to help you in getting to know new people and new things. You will learn about our ‘In Partnership’ values and how we all work together to achieve them.
- How do I know my child is settled?
Your child’s planner provides you with daily information and it is important that it is read every day and signed every week. The planner displays, homework set, notes to parents from staff, attendance, positive stamps collected, and negative comments/detentions. There will be Parents Evening during half term*1 where you will have an opportunity to meet your child’s Form Tutor, Year Manage, Mrs Clegg, and the Attendance Team
*Dependent upon Government guidelines, this may take place remotely
- If my child received Free School Meals (FSM) at Primary School, do I have to do anything to ensure they have access to FSM at High School?
When your child's information is received by our database, we will be able to see if they were eligible for FSM at Primary School. If they were eligible at Primary School, they will still be eligible at High School. (This information is automatically transferred so as a parent you do not need to do anything.) This information would only change if you personal circumstances change.
- What is the food like?
Our food selection is varied and caters for a wide variety of tastes and dietary requirements. We serve a hot meal of the day, which includes a main meal, dessert and a drink. Our grab and go option changes daily and include meals such as chicken wraps, pizza, and Jacket potatoes. There is also a selection of cold sandwiches. Students who are entitled to Free School meals can spend this at lunch time. Food is also served at break.
- What is break and lunch time like?
Students have access to the Dining Hall and outside areas (in good weather) at break and lunch, and occasionally the library. All areas are supervised by staff. We have recently developed our outside area, adding sports equipment so students can take part in activities if they wish.
- What do I do if my child is going to be late or absent?
Always contact the Academy, if your child is late due to an appointment please send a copy of the appointment card into school. If your child is absent, please call the Academy EVERY day they are off school – we require medical evidence.
- What happens if my child is late to school or lessons*?
An AA comment is issued if your child is late to lesson. Three AA's in a week will result in a detention. If your child receives a detention, a text message will be sent home to advise you of this and your child will be booked for their detention the next day. If your child is late to school 3 times in a week, they will also receive a next day detention where staff will explore the barriers to their punctuality. Sanctions may escalate if lateness is repeated. If punctuality becomes a concern you will be invited into school to meet with Mrs Clegg, the Lead Year Manager, and/or the Attendance Team to discuss further support for your child.
*With no permitted reason
- Who do I contact if I have a concern about my child?
You can add a note to your child’s planner to request a call from a member of staff. You can contact your child’s Form Tutor in the first instance via communication through the planner. For more urgent issues contact Mrs Clegg via the academy number- 0113 284 4260.
- What happens if homework isn’t completed?
Homework is an essential part of ensuring that the learning from the classroom is embedded at home. History tells us that those students that engage in completing homework go on to be more successful in their final exams than those that do not. If you do not complete homework a comment will be issued in the Student Planner, and a text maybe sent home. If homework comments accumulate a detention will be issued.
- Why are stamps issued and collected in planners?
Planners are the passport to the school and allow students, parents/carers, and staff to keep in touch. Stamps are issued for good examples of work and/or behaviour. They are also issued for attendance. Look out for ‘In Partnership’ stamps which are issued for outstanding behaviour and/or outstanding work that reflect our values. Stamps allow you to purchase items from the reward shop and go towards other rewards in our rewards assemblies and reward trips.
- Are there after school clubs?
Yes, at Leeds City Academy we run Peak Performance Monday to Thursday. We have a huge range of after school activities including sport, performing arts, art and many more. All students are encouraged to get involved in our Peak Performance programme to develop their skills and cultural capital.
- Can my child get a locker?
Your son/daughter will be able to get a locker early in the term for £5 which will give them a lock and a convenient place to keep all of their new books and equipment throughout the day!